No Such Thing

Stop standing in the middle of the highway! Think for yourself and get out of the path of that oncoming semi. Waking up to reality can be painful.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Special Message from Governor Blagojevich

On the State of Illinois webpage a message is posted from Governor Blagojevich:

"If you have any friends or relatives from the hurricane-stricken areas that are arriving in Illinois, you can direct them to the Hurricane Katrina Victim Assistance Hotline at 800-843-6154. This is a hotline for one-stop shopping of State services, including: health care, crisis counseling, temporary housing and food and clothing allotments. It will be operational between the hours of 8:30 am and 5:00 pm.
You can also donate items such as new or laundered clothing, towels and bedding (all items must be packaged), as well as non-perishable food items and school supplies by dropping them off at any of the Illinois Department of Human Services offices across the state. For further information, please visit or call our hotline at 800-843-6154. "

My coworkers and I have begun collecting clothing, sheets, towels, and school supplies to take to a IL dept. of human services office later this week. I try to clean out my closets a few times a year to make a donation to the salvation army, and I am getting together an extra batch for this drive. Please donate in any way you can, if you can't send a check to the Red Cross you can find that old pair of pants you wore only once or twice (that no longer fit) or a spare blanket or a box of crayons for a child's school supplies.

Now remember, used does not equal trash. Don't be a jerk and donate clothing full of holes or stains. If it can't be worn it can't be worn. Wash things before you bring them in, a blanket that still smells like it was packed away in a damp basement can't be immediately given to those in need. I know kids always want to donate that can of lima beans or pickled beets to the canned good drive at school, but give something good too. I'm sure a hungry child would rather have a box of mac n' cheese or canned soup than whatever has been sitting in the back of your cabinets for years.

When you do a good deed, do it right.


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