Identify Yourself, you Zombie!
BoingBoing linked to the Zombie Dancers locked up for alleged simulated WMD, even though they were walked right into the precinct. If you thought a suspect had a bomb in their backpack, would you walk them into central booking?
Some comments on MNspeak say that the dancers should have identified themselves. However, the news story said they didn't show ID. I think this was the main issue, since anybody could just say "my name is John Smith".
two officers approached, asked for identification and refused to say why they were being questioned, Kibby said. "We should have had an explanation as to why [they wanted our identification] and they weren't giving it to us," she said.
Even if the officers didn't ask for ID, they may have used the words "identify yourself". Frequently, "identify yourself" actually means PAPERS PLEASE! (da, mein herr!) not just stating "my name is John Smith".
Examples of this type of harrassment are found on The Identity Project.
The government shouldn't have the right to harrass you for not having ID. I already feel like I'm in WWII Germany.
Some comments on MNspeak say that the dancers should have identified themselves. However, the news story said they didn't show ID. I think this was the main issue, since anybody could just say "my name is John Smith".
two officers approached, asked for identification and refused to say why they were being questioned, Kibby said. "We should have had an explanation as to why [they wanted our identification] and they weren't giving it to us," she said.
Even if the officers didn't ask for ID, they may have used the words "identify yourself". Frequently, "identify yourself" actually means PAPERS PLEASE! (da, mein herr!) not just stating "my name is John Smith".
Examples of this type of harrassment are found on The Identity Project.
The government shouldn't have the right to harrass you for not having ID. I already feel like I'm in WWII Germany.
At 4:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
well said.
i offered up my i.d immediately as to hopefully not have my brother involved (the juvenile that was arrested)
a few of the other zombie folks didnt have i.d on them but were more than willing to tell them who they were. the cops verbally identified us and called our names in, etc.
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